Have your say on BVLOS drone rules


Do you use or intend to use drones to fly beyond visual line-of-sight (BVLOS) for your work? If so, we’d like you to take part in an important survey to build a snapshot of the use of BVLOS technologies and the benefits they can provide.

BVLOS drone flying over a cane field at sunset.

Your participation will help us to design regulations that keep pace with this fast-moving technology and how it can be used in Australia.

We want to hear about the types of BVLOS operations and circumstances you intend or conduct these types of flights.

The survey will collect information to:

  • review the uptake of BVLOS drone activities in Australia
  • identify key benefits and challenges of increased BVLOS drone operations
  • identify areas where regulatory improvements may be applied for lower-risk, low altitude BVLOS drone operations.

This survey is open to everybody. We especially want to hear from operators who use drones to assist in agricultural work such as:

  • spray management
  • mustering
  • farm and land management
  • any activity to deliver agricultural outcomes.

Submissions close Friday 17 November 2023.

Online version available at: https://www.casa.gov.au//about-us/news-media-releases-and-speeches/have-your-say-bvlos-drone-rules
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